Join us outside the Credit Union Spark Centre for a Walk For Reconciliation: Treaty 4 Timeline and Feather Garland Creation
As you are set you start your walk, stop in at the Collabartive Studios table. Colour a wood feather and choose one Cree word to write on the feather. We will then string the feathers to make as long of a feather garland as we can, demonstrating our connection to one another and our collective desire to learn more about Cree language and culture. A collective act of reconciliation. Garland to be displayed within the Spark Centre Halls.
Now take a walk through the history of Treaty 4 Territory. Set up along the paved walking paths of Jubilee Park are infographics which take us on a educational journey through the history of Treaty 4 Territory, from pre-colonialization to current day.
Feel free to take the walk at a speed that feels right for you.
While our organized walk is taking place on September 30th at 1pm, the Treaty 4 Timeline infographics will be in place from September 25 to October 3rd.